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WBO Achievements

At each meeting of the WBO there is a wonderful exchange of ideas whereby best practice, judging methods, how to become a judge, problem areas, ideas that are successful in other countries are discussed for member countries to pick up and implement if they so wish. Some of the major achievements include:

·        Formulated a Constitution agreed by all member countries

·        Produced a 40-page Colour Standard for all recognised varieties worldwide

·        Issued a Scale of Points for Budgerigars adopted by all member countries

·        Establishment of an International Judges Panel

·        Guidelines for Judges and Exhibitors produced and adopted by all member countries

·        Introduction of a WBO judges accreditation for countries that do not have one

·        Produced a Standard of Perfection for Budgerigars adopted by all member countries

·        Developed a Colour Standard and Pictorial Ideal for the Colour Budgerigar adopted by all member countries

·        Using the BS Ideal as a starting point, resulted in the International WBO Pictorial Ideal being produced in 2008 and adopted by all member countries

·        Developed an International Show Cage with technical drawings and specifications adopted by all member countries

·        Four WBO rosettes awarded every year at National shows to each member country/society

·        Established an international Ring Colour Sequence and Specification adopted by all member countries

·        Formulated a Colour Guide for Rings and Budgerigars using the Pantone Colour Codes adopted by all member countries

·        Obtain and circulate Research articles from International Avian Vets and Scientists to member countries

·        Introduced the WBO Gould Award commencing in 2011, awarded annually for Meritorious Services to the World of Budgerigars

·        Funded research into feather issues in budgerigars and interim report produced


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